7/7/2020 11:08:45 am
I am a novice gardener and am trying to grow lettuce for the first time. Are there some lettuces that grow on a stalk like kale, or if they have elongated are they just bolting? I have some lettuce plants that look like they have bolted but do not have a flower and are not yet bitter. Is there a way to harvest them so that they keep growing back? Do I cut it down to the ground or just take the current leaves off while its still in there? Thanks!
4/30/2022 10:49:31 am
Hi, Cat -- The elongated section is the lettuce bolting (going to seed). Some varieties never do taste bitter. Once the plant's hormones shift into bolting, there's no turning back. Just pull the plant and put into your compost pile. Or, if the variety is not a hybrid, you can let the bolting process continue until blossoms appear and seeds form and dry out completely, and save for sowing in the fall.
6/5/2022 04:38:48 pm
My arugula has bolted. It’s a thick HUGE bush. Do I cut off the dried stems? Can I just leave it in its home and wait for next years harvest?
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