If you plan to decorate a live holiday tree indoors and then move or plant it outdoors afterwards, choose a smaller size of tree, as it'll adapt better to conditions indoors and then again outdoors than a more mature one. After you bring the tree home, water it well and store it in an unheated garage or outbuilding for two or three days as a "half way spot" transition area before you move it indoors. Keep the rootball moist and the boughs misted. Once you bring the tree indoors, give these living plants bright indirect light, keep them cool and out of drafts, and water them just enough to keep the potting mix barely moist. Place it away from heating vents or fireplaces. Water it either directly into its potting mix or by scattering ice cubes around the soil surface but away from the tree trunk every couple of days to slowly seep down into the entire root ball. Limit its time indoors to a maximum of seven days; fewer if the house is very warm. After removing its decorations, move the tree outside again to the garage, shed, or protected spot for at least two weeks to allow it to readjust to the cool outdoors. The longer you enjoy the tree in the warm house, the longer it will need to reacclimate to outdoor conditions. More Decorating Ideas From The Garden
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