The University of California Master Gardener Program in Los Angeles County provides these resources following the horrendous fires. I've also posted it under News. For future reference, go to Web Links under "University of California Resources" Backyard Produce Guidance from UCCE’s North Bay Foods System Advisor: Is It Safe to Eat Backyard Produce in LA? Below are also some helpful handouts and a recording from the UC Master Gardener Program in Sonoma County that will answer questions surrounding backyard produce.
Soil/Soil Testing UC Cooperative Extension in Los Angeles County does not perform soil testing, but the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has included a list of companies who perform soil testing on page 15 - 16 of their publication, Soil and Water Testing Guidelines for Home and Community Gardens. Be sure to contact the soil testing company first, prior to visiting or shipping a soil sample, since you need to be sure that they test for the items you are concerned about. Also, your soil samples need to be taken according to their specifications to get the most accurate results. Other Topics
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